Wednesday, July 8, 2015


He is at it again.

He is talking to me like I understand him or worse, understand him and care.

I don't care.

That trespasser Boots was sitting underneath the bird feeder in the backyard again this morning. He (or she) was probably waiting for breakfast. So Chuck (and here you need to remember I'm on the couch trying to sleep) starts making noise. stomping around and opening doors. 

He's been trying to terrorize Boots for about a year now.

Chuck gets his shoes on goes out the back door and chases the cat who runs under the fence. Then he (Chuck not Boots) comes back in the house and goes out the front door to make sure Boots is not there. 

When Chuck leaves the backyard and goes back in the house Boots returns to the bird feeders.

Survival of the fittest baby.

Yesterday I heard a human say. "That which doesn't kill you makes you stronger." 

Rather moronic don't you think.

I would rather be delicate and alive.

And I would greatly appreciate Chuck keeping his deep meanings and philosophical cat questions to himself.

Because I do not want him to know I really understand him.

I'm Steve the Cat.

I eat, I sleep, I poop in a box.

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