Tuesday, June 30, 2015

Happy Everyday

Today is Younger Daughter Rebecca and husband Tim's anniversary.

In a few days it will be Older Daughter Jennifer and husband Eric's.

Eric recently celebrated a birthday.

And Tim's will be in a few days.

I have a 99-year-old Aunt.

A few years ago she went 'old school' and asked me to compile a list of all her relatives special days. So I sent out dozens of Email requests for information and after several months I sent her the list.

Now she just needs to remember to check it.

I can't remember important dates. Thank goodness for Facebook.

Now I just need to remember to check it.

As I get older more people are coming up behind me. They should be the ones to remember my birthday and my anniversary. After all, they are younger and there is just one of me.

So for all the future birthday's, anniversary's and other life milestones to everyone I have ever known and love, have a happy day.

She said. "Trip of a lifetime."
He heard. Triple the lifetime.

She said. "I don't know why it can't print."
He heard. I don't know why these pants shrink.

She said. "Are you going to close the window?"
He heard. Are we going to Reno?

She said. "We just got unpacked."
He heard. Something happened to the cat.

She said. "We love the kitchen."
He heard. We love the chicken.

So now I am going through my phone contacts trying to assemble a mental list of who listens to their voice mail and who does not. I also am trying to determine who uses the text feature.

Why oh why can't I have all of this information in one place? Can someone help me? 


Oh, and I just love the auto-correct on my new "It's smarter then me phone." Yes, I know there is a way to shut it off, I can't figure out how.

I wanted to type Hell and it wanted me to write He'll and it kept changing Ass to assent.....and I kept yelling "No I don't."

My underpants conundrum is now solved. MeUndies were a gift from Older Daughter Jennifer. She finally told me yesterday.

The hat?

She doesn't know a damn thing about the hat. But I think it makes for good advertising. 

At $20 each or 365 pair for $4,000 I doubt the manufacturer wants their product directly displayed.

Hey.....pull up your pants.

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