Has life become a series of meals and sleep?
At least I don't poop in a box.
I think I know why I haven't been posting much. I just can't imagine polluting your world with my incessant complaints. I mean who wants to hear about me waking up having to pee three times in the middle of the night or worse, not waking up and just peeing.
My mind is consumed with better deals on cat food, cheaper gas prices and what happened to the thought that was in my brain five seconds ago.
And I know people younger than me do not want to be reminded of what they may face down the road.
And those of you that are older...it ain't getting better.
On the other hand, maybe I should just keep posting my thoughts and tribulations. Look at the opportunity I am giving all of you. If you see how miserable I am it should make you feel better.
You can take advantage of that.
The street sweeper truck just passed the house so now I can take out the garbage, green waste and recycle totes.
And I'm bitching about having no purpose.
I really shouldn't complain, after all I do have things that keep me busy.
I wear my FitBit daily.
On the way to Nevada city I saw a billboard with a picture of a lady with silver hair. The caption was "Move or Rust."
Pacific Gas & Electric is working at the end of our court and I walked down to watch five guys standing around contemplating a small hole in the ground. They will eventually replace the antiquated gas lines. I guess a small miracle will be no leaks, a large one no explosions. In the meantime I have some excitement.
Then I stopped to talk with the man next door.
After a series of "How are you?" and "Hot today" I asked him to please let us know if he was thinking about moving, ever.
You see, we like living next door to him (and his family) and they are renting. I said, "I am looking forward to when my wife retires" and he said, "You are going to have another baby?"
I suppose I could learn to speak Spanish.
That would give me a project.
At least I don't poop in a box.....and that's something, right?
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