Monday, May 11, 2015

Done......For Now

After complaining for two weeks about the chaos and commotion now I'm moaning about the quiet.

Sparky has the garage back and is sleeping in his Cialis chair. Steve has been testing all the new furniture looking for the perfect comfy spot. Last night he barfed in the bedroom and Wanda is sure he "Only likes to yak on the rug."

I feel a little like Felix Unger from the Odd Couple couching on my knees wiping up smudges while muttering "Footsteps...footsteps" but I know I can count on Wanda's imitation of Oscar when she tells me it's only a floor.

She has vowed to find me a pair of fuzzy microfiber swiffer-like slippers so I can shuffle my feet and dust at the same time.

We had a wonderful day yesterday. Older Daughter Jennifer, Son-in-law Eric and Grandson Nicholas came over and brought Wanda flowers and a card. It was very gratifying showing off the work and actually feeling like grown-ups.

Younger Daughter Rebecca called from Portland and we got to hear Granddaughter Grace do an imitation of an outboard boat motor. We can't wait to see her again.

We still have some work to do.

Now, if we were not anti social we would have a party.

Oh...ooh...the desk in my new work space that was supposed to take 55 minutes to put together took about 3 hours. But, we didn't argue once. I had Wanda read all the instructions and tell me what to do. I figured if it was screwed up I could blame her. 

She did a great job.

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