Thursday, April 23, 2015

I Really Am a Handsome Guy is I

I'm looking out the patio sliding door at a couple of Jay's. They are blue and I don't like them very much. They are loud and big and dive at me when Mom takes me outside on my harness. Maybe she will take a picture of me the next time we go out.

Did you hear about the strangers coming here soon?

Starting tomorrow there will be chaos in this house and I expect it will last a few weeks. Sparky is beside himself with stress, worry and grief. I overheard the big contractor guy and Chuck talking about putting noisy tools in the garage; poor Sparky.

We will have all oak wood floors and I can't wait.

It will be so nice having new stuff to yak up hairballs and semi-digested food on.

I will keep you all posted on the progress from my perspective.

I am Steve the Cat.

I eat, I sleep, I poop in a box.

1 comment:

relic2maggie said...

Steve the Cat, you failed to mention the fun of leaving long toenail gouges on that new hardwood floor.
Yeti, the abominable snowcat