Wednesday, March 11, 2015

A Quick Hello

I asked Steve for help and he said no.

He is pissed off I have not taken any time, unlike his Momma Wanda, to run around the house with his mouse on a wire trailing behind me.

She thinks she is exercising Steve while I know he is laughing at her.

I asked Sparky and he just curled his lip and made a growling noise. I heard him mutter something about a front window perch.

I was going to ask SockMonkey but honestly, he can't type and will only grant me his presence and input after he has been on an adventure.

I'm sick....I don't feel well....all I want to do is crawl back in bed, pull the covers over my head and go back to sleep.

In all the years I've known Wanda I think she has taken 2 sick days off work. Last week end she had a headache, scratchy throat, drippy nose and a cough.

She had allergies.

We talked about other people getting sick often and how we never do. I can't remember the last time I felt like this. I'd guess it has been well over ten years.

So I didn't sleep worth a damn last night. I have a headache a scratchy throat a drippy nose and a cough.

I could sit here with couple of tissues stuffed up my nostrils while sneezing on the keyboard every few minutes or I could get under a blanket read a book or watch TV.

Allergies my ass.

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