Monday, July 22, 2013

The Royal Baby Watch.....

Such a big news story, I should say something about it. 

I hope the baby is healthy and has a long and happy life. The English and their love for the Royals is so foreign (get it, foreign). Why don't they revere Brad Pitt or Angelina like we do?

She said, "We have to hear some talking."
He heard, We have to make some coffee.

She said, "Golf Pro."
He heard, Velcro

Over the week-end I read a John Grisham book. This one was pretty much like the others. A young lawyer takes on the big bad corporate guys. The book had an ancillary character, a blogger named Hung Jury. He was exposed as an out of work lawyer. Hung wrote some very nasty things. He did that because he blogged anonymously. 

I also watched (with one eye) a cop show set in Washington, D.C. The episode had a political blogger several people were trying to expose. She wrote some very nasty things. She did that because she blogged anonymously.

I have my name right out there in front. It's the first thing people are likely to see. I've given some thought to that. Maybe I should be a little less visible? Maybe a little more discrete? Maybe I should write incognito? I could develop an alter ego, like The Hulk or Wolverine. Then I could write with no accountability. I could slice and dice people with my razor wit.

On second thought, maybe not. It would be rather silly to write as "The Hulk" and post a link to the blog on my Facebook page. Not to mention a potential Marvel Comics lawsuit. "Blogger exposed as fake...not the 'real' Hulk."

I well remember when guys started wearing caps backwards. It was in the late 80's. I have no idea where the style originated, nor do I care. At the time I said a man should do it only if he was riding a bike or catching a baseball. Truth be told, I thought it looked terrible. Now twenty-five years later, on occasion, I do it myself.

Years ago whilst (I sure have the royal baby watch in my head...whilst) on a Disneyland vacation Wanda and I made up a language. It was a way for us to converse when talking about various situations and people. It's private and secrete so I can't share much, but here's an example. Hatso-turno 5 o'clock. This a guy wearing a backwards hat and his location. 

But no matter how I felt about that fashion statement it was mild compared to ball caps worn today. I don't even know how to describe them? Flat bills with large squarish crowns? I guess they're trucker ball caps? Wearing one of these automatically lowers I.Q. points. And what's the deal with aiming the bill sideways? That in itself says; "I was too stupid to get it on straight."

Look, I worked in the E.R. of the local county hospital. The vast majority of our patients were uninsured. We also treated people in the jail system. If a person wants to tell their life story in tattoos, it's their body and their business. I never judge. But I'll be honest here, I'm uncomfortable around people with neck and face tats. I'm sorry, I just am.

At the Farmers Market last Saturday I saw a guy with a white muscle shirt, long baggy shorts, tats up the kazoo, (and what a picture that is) and a truckers cap with the bill at two o'clock. He may have been a very nice fellow but the entire package screamed, scary and not so bright.

No one looks good in those hats. And don't get me started on ear hole stretchers and nose rings.

"Honey, I know you have a cold but please use a little more tissue."

"Daddy, our basketball hoop broke, can we use your ears?"

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