The constant chatter has caused Steve the Cat to often wake from his nap and look at me as if I'm nuts. He quickly goes back to sleep.
Sparky doesn't care one way or another.
I admit that I've always considered people that talk and answer themselves to be slightly off center. In this case it is good practice.
You see, my speech is a little off. I am slow, deliberate and have an endearing slur to most of my words. You should hear me on the telephone. By the way, after almost one year I figured out how to answer my smart phone.
If I could just speak clearly I would be set.
My Great Debate has been whether I should actually post something about my situation on this Internet.
I wanted to since I figure I can use all the help and sympathy I can get.
Sympathy: feelings of pity and sorrow for someone else's misfortune.
On second thought, no sympathy. Just send me good thoughts.
Yesterday I was sitting outside enjoying unseasonably warm weather when a lady about my age walked by carrying a bag of groceries in each hand.
It was really nice getting out of the house. It was really, really nice not needing a sweatshirt and a wool hat in the house.
At our advanced age the food stuff is getting lighter with all the yogurt and string cheese but the sardine tins and Ensure cans add to the weight.
I'm not driving now, which is a good thing considering (a) I would probably be a menace on the road and (b) my piece of crap '91 Plymouth Acclaim but I'm not walking.
You see, Wanda is the main reason my Great Debate decision is printing this.
I wanted you all to know what a tremendous help she has been. I think she has gone above and beyond.
You should know living with me isn't easy even in the best of circumstances.
I have a partner. And thank God I do.
I really want this post to be perfect but it won't be and that makes me sad.
I want to tell you all how much I feel about the political process we now deal with daily. I want to express my feelings about the news and Beyonce and Gaga and the asshole who stole a delivery truck from the local food bank but I will leave this to others.
I would like to express my feelings about 'all lives matter' but I find it just as hard to put those thoughts on paper, well not really paper but you know what I mean, as I do verbalizing a shopping list over the phone.
The neurologist said I had a stroke.
My vision, balance and speech is different than it was.
If I don't talk or walk you wouldn't know anything happened.
Sometimes when I see things like trees, cats, or words they resemble a basketball being dribbled, which is also something that happens to my saliva. Of course I needed a bib and a drool cup a long while before my 'episode.'
Have you ever seen a movie horse count? I think Roy Rodgers' Trigger could do it. When I walk I sort of look like that with my right leg.
Once I get going I'm usually fine but I can't go as far as I once did. I've told many of the neighbors about my situation so when they see me teetering around they won't think I'm drunk.
If I don't talk or walk you wouldn't know anything happened.
You may know I had cataracts.
My Grandma Sophie thought cataracts were cars.
Now I have clear vision and an anti-stigmatic lens in each eye. I also have, for the first time in my life, what the doctor called "floaters."
And I thought floaters were bodies found in water or specific waste closely associated with toilets.
You can actually have fun with floaters.
Is that a small moth or a floater?
For now, I can't change the past so I'll make lemonade. I truly dislike this metaphor but it is appropriate.
I'll re-post some old blogs, write new ones when I can and continue to speak for Steve the Cat.
It must be hard to make all those adjustments. Glad you have a great partner
Will post on facebook private msg.
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