Thursday, December 3, 2015

Get a Hobby.


Steve the Cat eats, sleeps and poops in a box.

I loved to read, write, watch movies and decent television programs.

I can't freaking see well.

The font of my Kindle is set so large it shows forty-eight words per page. I turn (as you probably know you don't actually turn Kindle pages) so fast the words blur. I have no patience. I want to know the story and characters before I finish the free sample. I hate spending money on Kindles I lose interest in. I was never bothered spending on real books, if nothing else I could give them away.

Maybe if and when I start driving again I will spend time at the local library. I do have a card.

People suggested books on tape. Oops, I am showing my age. I meant recorded books. All well and good but I can't stay awake past the credits.

New films just don't interest me. Every man needs a shave and beats the crap out of people.

What happened to the Golden Rule?

There is a long article on the World Wide Web entitled, "How to say no to your kids at the checkout.".....You'll be surprised at the money you save.

How about NO?

I am consistently touching wrong keys on everything that requires touching. Computer. Kindle, Stupid-Smart phone. It would help if I would just slow down and look, but no. I still think it's 2001.

Is that a comma or a period?
The question mark I can see.

Get a hobby.

What, now?

Do you have one? What do you do and when did you start doing it?

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