Tuesday, September 22, 2015

Do Not Bother Me

Who am I to give you advice? But, I've said it before and I'll say it again, when in stores buying perishables, always check the expiration dates.

I try but I do sometimes forget.

Last week I bought salad dressing. When I got home I looked at the date and it was 'Use Before April 2015', since it is September this was impossible and I don't like to take unnecessary chances and live dangerously. I do not want fuzz growing on my food.

Hell, I get a flu shot every year.

I decided the next time I went to the store I would take it back. A few days later I returned. It was early morning when I approached the check out clerk.

I told her my problem. I was succinct. (I learned a new word).

She said. "Go tell her (while doing a head nod to another clerk) I am leaving in a minute."

There is a school bus stop on the next block. To tell you my feelings about the placement of this stop would take an entire blog post.

We have a large brick retaining wall on the side of our house. This wall is just too tempting for many children and they walk on it. It bothered me until I realized I would have done the same thing.

This morning, at 7:30, when I went out for my walk (must keep moving) I saw a book on the wall. Upon close inspection I discovered it was a very expensive Trigonometry text. Obviously, I thought, it belonged to a student getting on the bus and going to the school. 

I watched a girl get out of a car (a bus takes the kids to school and dozens of vehicles drop them off).

As she extricated herself from the vehicle, book in hand, waving it, I yelled, "Excuse me, someone forgot this book."

And as she kept moving away, speeding up as she went, her mother said, "That's not hers."

So creepy old guy tries to do something good.

I walked across the street to the mother in the car and told her I thought the kid could take the book on the bus and find out who lost it.

I don't blame the kid for avoiding me.

I do blame the clerk.

Recently I was having a problem with feeling irrelevant. 

I have solved that.

I decided I have never been relevant in the first place.

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