Tuesday, August 18, 2015

It Has Been a Slow Month

I will not use this blog as a forum to bitch and moan.

O.K., maybe I will.

Nothing and I mean nothing is going on, at least for me.

Steve the Cat has people in sailboats talking to him.

I have the heartbreak of psoriasis.

Steve the Cat gets fan mail.

I get letters from Lifeline Screening and the National Railroad Association of Retried People. The National Railroad Association of Retried People? Do you even know what that is? 

It is a railroad that goes slower than a regular one.

My 2007 lap top has less life in it than I do.

The desk top has a keyboard that I do not like. The keys keep moving around. The damn / keeps getting in the . place.

My finger tips are too large for my Smartphone keys.

Between the smears on my glasses and my Kindle screen I can not type on it.

Last weekend I had terrible pain in my ear at my temple.

I eventually diagnosed myself with T.M.J.

Well, it's either that or a brain tumor.

She said, "Do you have the car keys?"
He heard, What about Sparky?

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